Back from Sin City

Monday mornings coming off a vacation are bad enough. Monday mornings coming off a vacation being SICK are even worse. My throat feels like desert terrain of Las Vegas, which I can only presume is the beginning stages of a full-blown head cold. 😦

Obviously, Vegas was a blast! But I think I’m going to chalk this illness up to smoke-filled environments the entire weekend…the one bad things about Vegas for those that don’t smoke (thumbs down to smoking).

On our flight to Vegas I got to (finally) enjoy a giveaway win from the lovely Marla of Family Fresh Cooking, Earth to Table. And Star [For those wondering, Sandra Bullock is likely divorcing Jesse and yes, Lindsay Lohan is still a hot mess. Hot, hot mess.]

I also perused The Newlywed Cookbook and The Vegetables I Can’t Live Without after Tina of Carrots ‘n’ Cake raved about it on her NuVal blog, Trading Up Downtown. Highly recommend both! I’m making a recipe from the vegetable cookbook this week 😀

There was a little scare on the flight to Vegas, however. A woman on the flight presented with extreme confusion and was complaining of dizziness and sweating. The flight attendants called overhead for any medical professionals. One gentlemen got up to help. Mr. Prevention urged me to go help, and low and behold, she was a diabetic. She had her glucometer with her, but for legal reasons I couldn’t take her blood sugar. I was able to help walk her sister through testing her, however. When we landed, the woman was taken away on a stretcher. Pretty scary stuff, but I was glad to be able to help 🙂

Anyways…Vegas recap!

I admit now, I was REALLY bad about taking pictures all weekend, sorry!

On our first stroll down the strip, we ran into this cocktail stand. HOW AWESOME is this bartender? I could have watched all day, I swear!

Friday evening we met up with friends to go to Batista’s Hole-in-the-Wall. Dinner at Batista’s is somewhat of a Vegas tradition for us. The atmosphere is great and it’s a star hangout, which is always fun 🙂

Food – not so great. Free unlimited house wine – super great!

After dinner we went to the CLASSIEST joint on the strip (major facetiousness implied) — O’Sheas. We played some blackjack and watched these guys play beer pong. The smell took me back to the good’ol days of college, that’s for sure. Ew!

On Saturday morning, we cabbed it to Hash House A Go Go which was recommended by Lisa of Love Health Happiness. Hash House A Go Go was also on Man vs. Food, for those of you who are familiar with the show. And the food? Excellent! Best food we had the whole trip!!

My breakfast: French Toast with Toasted Banana and Pecans!

Mr. Prevention’s breakfast: Egg scrambles with jalapenos and chorizo

The only shot of the strip I took. Pathetic, I know!

Saturday evening we went to see Mystere. It was impressive with the acrobatics, but as a show, sub-par to “O”. Overall, a really great show, though!! 🙂

I did manage to get in a GREAT workout on Saturday – a really fast 3 1/2 miles with lots of stretching. It felt so good! My abs are finally feeling almost recovered from yoga last THURSDAY. Man, that was a workout! I’m looking forward to getting in my strength training this week! 😀


We returned to Tulsa with enough daylight left to checkout the progress on my garden…

Potatoes…and you can see my onions in the back!

Onions and spinach in the background!

Lookin’ good!!! 😀


I must say, it was a relaxing hiatus from all things blogging and computer. But, I’m so glad to be back. Two days feels like forever in blogland! I look forward to catching up with everyone this week 😀 Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Question: How are you doing with your DO What You DON’T challenge goals?

I need to get in my 30 minutes of strength training before Thursday, and I think that will be tomorrow night as I have hockey games on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Random Question: If you go to Vegas or if were to go to Vegas, do you or would you gamble a bit? If so, what’s your game of choice?

I’m a blackjack girl! Though, I did way more losing than winning! C’est la Vegas! 😉

P.S. Sarah of Healthy Mom on the Run is giving away SnackTAXIS (AKA the cutest to-go snack and meal luggage ever!). Go here to enter! Ends today!

Have a wonderful, healthful week,


Filed under blog, breakfast, challenge, diabetes, dining out, dinner, exercise, friends, fruits and vegetables, garden, hockey, law suit, NuVal, physical activity, physicians, restaurant, running, travel, wine, yoga

46 responses to “Back from Sin City

  1. Jen

    I just recently found your blog, it’s very inspiring! I have only been to vegas once when I was 13 and we were moving from California to Michigan. I’m not a gambler, but would love to go back one day 🙂


  2. I was in Vegas in 2000 for my cousin’s wedding and didn’t do much gambling. When I go back I’ll be at the poker tables a lot as I picked up the game since my last trip.

    Glad you enjoyed your trip. Welcome back!

    P.S: The house still belongs to you though right ? 🙂

  3. What a fun weekend! I’m sorry you’re coming home feeling so sick 😦

    We head to Vegas at the end of the month. I’ve never been and don’t have any interest int he gambling and craziness of Vegas. But I’m excited to see the Strip and experience the energy of the city. And I can’t wait to see my hubby perform as the opening act for a comedian! That will be thrilling!

  4. Looks like you had a great time!
    Last time I went to Vegas, I didn’t really gamble. I’m more of a hang with the ladies and go dancing at night kind of gal 🙂

    Your garden is looking great! The pictures seriously made me smile! There’s something about sprouting plants that makes my day!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Oh my God, a recipe devoted to hash? That’d be my fantasy

  6. Ahhh I miss Vegas so much! We don’t gamble much, but we played a few slots and some roulette. 🙂

  7. Wow– amazing story about the plane! You’re a hero!

    Looks like a super fun weekend– I’ve never been to Vegas, but it’s definitely on my list! 🙂

  8. Looks like so much fun! I’ve never been to Vegas, but I wanna go at some point!

  9. I saw Mystere when I was in Vegas, so fun! I’m not much of a gambler….I like betting on sports and then watching the games though 🙂

  10. aria

    Coincidence! We also went to Hash House a Go Go after a friend saw it on Man vs. Food. Except we went to the one in Imperial Palace on the strip (cheaper cab ride!) YUM!

  11. Damn it’s like everyone is going to Vegas! I need a trip like WOAH but I would hate all the smoke!

    That bartender reminded me of Tom Cruise in Cocktail hehe…

    I am doing my Green Monster Challenge and so far it is going great but I also need to do more Pilates! which I still have not done…no bueno

  12. That’s such a wonderful story on the plane! Vegas sounds like fun…will have to make it out there someday. Yesterday my mom, dad, brother, and I all got in the garden and planted some spinach and swiss chard and a few other vegetables ourselves!

  13. looks like you had a great time in vegas!! if i ever get to go i will have to try out that restaurant… it looks fantastic!!!

  14. I’ve never been to Vegas but since I’m not into gambling, I’m not sure I’ll make the trip. The food looks good though. The main thing I can’t stand about casinos (I’ve been to Atlantic City) is the smoke. I have zero tolerance for that. Glad you’re back safe and sound!

  15. I love Vegas! It looks like you had a good time. Sorry about the cold. I just got home from a 3 week vaca in Europe, also fighting a cold. I’m sure the body is just worn out. But I didn’t take many food pictures while away either. Guilty, but you’re right, taking a blog/computer break is sooo nice!
    Your garden is looking good. That’s what I need to do this year.. atleast plant some herbs. Well, hope you are feeling better. Have a happy Monday. 🙂

  16. fitandfortysomething

    what an amazing trip from helping the person on the plane to that HUGE bfast 🙂
    how fun……sorry you don’t feel so good this morning-weekend trips can wear me out too.
    take it easy today for sure.
    i ran an 8K trail race-definitely got me out of my comfort zone-thanks for the motivation!

  17. I hope you feel better soon. Your garden looks great especially after that snow that you got a couple weeks back, I’m envious the only thing in my garden above ground at the moment are the onions and those just barely. (and the dog dug up my potatoes AGAIN!) If you head back to Vegas I recommend KA also cirque de soleil but one of their best, its vertical, it’s cool.

    I gamble a small amount usually 100 over the course of a weekend, I am a roulette fan. I really go to Vegas for the food and the shows 🙂 My 2 passions in one place.

  18. Not a huge fan of vegas. The good thing about it though is the abundance of awesome restaurants.

  19. So sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. How scary about the woman who was diabetic on the plane. I used to see Andrew like that when we first started dating and no one else would be around to help. Thankfully I’ve never had to call 911, I’ve always been able to get juice in him and he comes back to reality, but it is scary!!!! He’s been able to control it much, much better in recent years, thankfully!!!!

    That breakfast of french toast looks out of this world, yum!! 🙂 Feel better soon!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Shelley (findinghappinessandhealth)

    omg the french toast looks soo good. & that is awesome they gave free house wine at the italian restaurant haha- and i am too young to gamble but my parents love it. I like black jack!!


  21. Seems u had a great time and enjoyed a lot..nice pics..

  22. Thank goodness you were on the plane and could help! I can’t imagine how scary that must have been.

    I’m glad you had a great time in Sin City! I go for the first time in June – just a TINY bit excited. 🙂 I love to gamble, but only slot machines. And only the $0.25 – maybe $0.50 – ones at that. My favorite is Wheel of Fortune!

  23. I am so glad you loved Hash House! We just ate there (again!) last weekend and I just finished blogging about it last night. No surprise that I also ordered that French toast. It is so yummy!

    That is awesome that you were able to help on the plane. You are a little hero! 🙂

  24. I remember you said you were coming to Vegas. Too bad we didn’t meet up. It looks like you had a nice time. I have never been to Battista’s Hole in the Wall. I have heard pretty good things about it. Love that you get free wine though.
    The weather was super windy so hope you still enjoyed your trip!

  25. Your garden’s doing so good! I need to work on mine a lot, the weathers just been so horrible here I’ve been making excuses.

    I haven’t been to Vegas before but hope to someday! That yoga is pretty good, I did the same on demand video on Friday and could definately feel it. It’s a good sore I love though 😉

  26. hah I’m a chicken when it comes to gambling in vegas. I’ve been there 3 times and I have only been on the slot machines. Once i lost $2, I quit!! My friends on the other hand….they love poker and black jack!

    GOSH those dishes look awesome, especially your french toast. My BF would kill for what Mr. RD ordered…hahah He’s an egg and chorizo man too. 🙂

    So glad that you guys had fun!!!

  27. Nicole, it seems that you had a blast in LV, and I totally agree with you in regards to the cigarette smoke…we go once or twice a year for a small get away since it is driving distance 🙂 I like the slot machines just for fun.

  28. Glad you had a fun trip!! Yes, that bartender is amazing. I am in such awe when it comes to bartenders who can do fun tricks with the bottles and still manage to pour the perfect drink. It’s such a skill! And a sexy one at that 🙂

    Your garden is really starting to grow!! How exciting. I hope Nick and I move into our new house soon enough to be able to plants at least some food. I’m crossing my fingers.

  29. I was in Vegas several months ago for the first time and loved it. So much to see and do! The food pictures look so appetizing.


  30. whydeprive

    Sucks that you’re sick, but it sounds like a pretty great weekend!
    I am not a gambler, I hate to part with my money. I lost $5 at the casino once, and that was enough of that for me!!

  31. I’m not much of a gambler, I might take a few bucks and play the slots. I would be more interested in just walking around Vegas and people watching!

  32. eatspinlive

    A toasted banana sounds really good! I have never thought about that before 🙂

  33. I’ve been living in Vegas for 2 years so I’ve learned not to gamble. It’s just giving your money away! 🙂 When I have friends in town I will put a few dollars in a slot or play some roulette (my personal fave) but I don’t really like wasting my money. BTW, there is a Hash House on the strip now inside Imperial Palace. I love that place when I feel like I really indulging. 🙂

  34. So fun to read your Vegas re-cap. Looks like a super fun trip…that video is great! Yum to that french toast! Gambling not my thing, but shopping and eating sure are….two other great things to do in Vegas! xo

  35. Sorry to hear u aren’t feeling too good 😦 xo

  36. Oh, glad you got the book!!! OK done now.

  37. I’m glad you’re back and that you had a good time, Nicole! Helping that lady on the plane must been a really good feeling. 🙂

    Your garden is looking gorgeous!

  38. Glad you enjoyed your Vegas trip! I’m actually doing pretty good on my challenge. I went out to eat tonight and when I saw that my meal came with 2 sides I chose steam broccoli as one of them. On a normal basis, I wouldn’t do that. It tasted great too!

  39. Glad you had such an AWESOME trip!!!! Gotta say that pic of the cook book + STAR means you and me think alike girl! Good stuff 😀

  40. wow! you probably saved that woman’s life!!! you deserve a huge pat on the back, I’m very impressed!

  41. I’m so glad that you were able to help that poor woman on the plane – you are a kind person!

    I’ve never been to Las Vegas and thoroughly enjoyed reading your experiences. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Oh Nicole it sounds like you had a wonderful time!! I’m drooling over the picture of your french toast with toasted banana!! Unbelievably tasty!
    I love Vegas and I go every summer because Daniel plays in the World Series of Poker. We love to stay at Caesar’s but I’ve also had a nice time at the Rio. I don’t gamble, not even a penny. I’m so cheap when it comes to things like that. Plus, I’m a terrible loser!

    Glad you’re back safe and sound- but I do hope you feel better!!

  43. Jason just asked me like an hour ago if I ever wanted to go to Vegas. I don’t like gambling. I get really bored.

  44. Awesome that you made it to Hash House. When I met my hubby, he was living in the apartment complex behind it and we could walk there. In fact, we did walk there for brunch, but you can’t eat there all the time or you’d explode. I actually used to live not to far from there either. This was my mom’s fave place to eat too when they came to visit. I should have had you check out for gift certs before going since I always got great coupons for there. Oh well. I am totally jealous. I am so glad you liked it.

    My fave gambling was penny slots. $10 on a weekend and that was my form of cheap entertainment.

  45. LOVED that video clip of the bartender! Sounds like you had quite the fun vacation. So sorry you came back sick.. that is a crummy ending.

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