
There have been so many inspiring posts lately that have left me in awe of the honesty and resilience of so many bloggers. Mary of A Merry Life talking about her running a mile, and “Joseph’s” guest post on Burp and Slurp talking about his eating disorder, and Jenny of PB and Jenny talking about her ED struggles,  and Christie on comparing your blog to others. And then yesterday I was reading and looking at Katie’s Fit Bloggin’ review post and got to thinking about what draws me to a blog. I came up with “imperfections.”

I want to know that there are imperfect people out there among and behind the elite athletes, beautiful people, seemingly professional photographers, and eloquent writers. Because I…am certainly imperfect. I find these blogs and these people the most relate-able, fun, and inspiring.

Many bloggers attended Fit Bloggin’ out east this weekend and I’ve read lots of recaps and seen lots of pictures. This left me thinking about BlogHer Food coming up this October, for which I’m all registered. [And I am excited!] However, part of me internalizes, “I’m not as fit or nutrition-savvy or thin as so many food bloggers. What will they think of ME, the Registered Dietitian?” [Because RD’s don’t struggle with their weight, right? Wrong.] When I was going through college to become and RD I always thought, “Being in the nutrition field will be like daily motivation to be such a healthy eater living such a healthy lifestyle!” Wrong. I sit in the car 45 minutes in the morning. Sit 10 ½ hours at work. Sit 45 minutes going home. Sleep 8 hours a night. Sedentary. Dozens of miles of running and hockey games each week can’t compensate for my otherwise sedentary lifestyle” and the balanced diet that I do eat (with the occasional splurge, of course). And I find myself less than a year into my career with an unwanted 20 pounds. If you know my “happy weight”, you can do the math. Scary. You know how much I weigh. And that it’s too much.

Breathe, Nicole.

I fear showing up to BlogHer Food and not being the person I’m “supposed” to be behind Prevention RD. I am “supposed” to epitomize health and here I find myself struggling, despite the dozens of people I help IN reaching their goals each and every week. It’s emotionally taxing.

While I have no doubt that the weight will come off, it certainly doesn’t melt off those who do so many things right. I have been so inspired by so many wonderful bloggers out there who struggle, that I feel uplifted simply getting this off my chest. I “battle the bulge” like so many people and I hope that makes me credible and real rather than deceitful and shameful behind my title.

Truth is, I am nutritioned-OUT by the time I get in the door at night. And readers have asked me questions along those very lines, “Do you ever get burnt-out on nutrition?” And the answer is yes, yes, yes! While I’m not giving up blogging 😉 I am saying that this could be a huge reason behind my climb on the scale over the past year (and why I haven’t posted a NNM topic in nearly a week – sorry!)

It’s all out there now! Whew…

It is taking a lot for me to hit “publish” so I hope that anyone reading is sensitive to my struggles and has the decency to keep any rude remarks to themselves. …Not saying that would happen, just saying that it would hurt me if it were to happen.


On a comppppppppppppletely unrelated note, check out this delicious original dish I created, inspired by Cooking Light.

Mango-Lime Kebabs by Prevention RD

2 limes
1 small red onion, chopped into large pieces
1 large mango, chopped into large pieces
1 red bell pepper, chopped into large pieces
1 orange bell pepper, chopped into large pieces
1 pound large peeled and deveined shrimp
3 cups cooked brown rice
3 Tbsp olive oil
3 Tbsp honey
2 tsp low-sodium soy sauce
1/2 tsp ginger (fresh or ground)
1/2 tsp garlic salt


Chop vegetables. Organize peppers, onion, mango, and shrimp onto skewers. Drizzle with freshly squeezed lime juice from 1 of the limes.

Cook skewers on the grill over low-medium flame until shrimp are cooked through and vegetables start to charcoal around the edges, flipping onces or twice.

Combine olive oil, honey, lime juice from remaining lime, soy sauce, ginger, and garlic salt. Blend well.

Cook brown rice according to directions. Serve kebab over brown rice and drizzle with sauce.

Yield: 4 servings.

Nutrition Information (per serving): 501 calories; 13.5 g. fat; 173 mg. cholesterol; 375 mg. sodium; 69 g. carbohydrate; 7 g. fiber; 28 g. protein

Delicious! We loved this! It was a perfect dish for great weather! 😀

Question: What insecurities or short-comings do you have? Are they nutrition/health/weight-related? When you read blogs, what do you find it hardest not to compare to? Do you make assumptions about people based on what you see on their blog?


Filed under blog, Cooking Light, diet, dietitians, dinner, exercise, fruits and vegetables, grilling, health at every size, healthy cooking, hockey, physical activity, recipe, running, stress, Uncategorized, weight gain, weight loss, work

63 responses to “Imperfections.

  1. Thanks so much for sharing, Nicole! You know what? I think imperfections are wonderful, too. While we may be in awe of those who seem to have it all together, we can’t RELATE to them. Imperfections make us real, and in the dietetics world, they allow us to UNDERSTAND others and their struggles. We can’t be automatons and still be good RDs! And, your own struggles definitely aren’t “shameful” or “deceitful” AT ALL. They definitely make you more creditable – heck, you actually know what you’re talking about and how to be most effective, more than the gal who has never had to worry about the “battle of the bulge”.

    And about being nutritioned-out – YES! Just like a doctor doesn’t want to be giving friends and family checkups when they get home from work, sometimes nutrition is the last thing we want to think about. Goodness knows I am not perfect with food – that’s for celebrities who get paid to be perfect 😉 Once people find out that I’m studying to be an RD, they look at my husband with sympathy. “You must eat grass”, they say. I feel bad for these people because they think living healthy involves sacrifice, when really it’s about loving life and being happy with your choices. So I try to ignore the nay-sayers and the people who just DON’T KNOW what the profession is.

    Whew! Anyway, you are awesome, Nicole, that’s all I came on here to say 🙂

    • I agree that it makes you more credible and people will be more likely to warm up to you and take your advice because they know that you’re going through the same thing as them. When I slim health professional I feel jealous and I don’t feel that they can relate to me. Your “imperfection” can be an asset in making clients comfortable.

  2. Aw, sweetie I know exactly how you feel. About 6 years ago I gained about 15 pounds and on my 5’1 frame that was more than I’d ever weighed in my life. As a personal trainer I felt embarrassed and like a hypocrite. In reality once I chilled out about the weight gain and got to the source of the problem (burnout) I realized it wasn’t a big deal at all. While I felt judged by the weight gain, I think I was really the only one doing the judging.

    You were brave in hitting the publish button, but you’ll be glad you did. I look forward to seeing you at Blogher!

  3. Hi Nicole!!! First off let me say I love your blog and it is usually the first one I check in the morning. I enjoy it because you are real and also because you know what you are talking about nutrition wise since that is your career. Many blogs that I have read do seem to have “perfect people” writing them. They eat perfect, workout (enjoy always working out) etc. I think you struggling with your weight makes you more credible in what you do. I know I take those who have helped me in recovery with my ED more seriously when I know they too have over come struggles. It gives you life experience and is more than just reading it in a book and throwing it back out there to your clients.

    Thank you for this post. I never know if talking about my struggles on my blog are going to turn people alway as in “she is just another woman talking about her eating disorder”. I also feel like a hypocrite sometimes when here I am persuing a degree in dietetics and yet I am struggling once agian. I keep in mind that this struggle is something I will overcome with a lot of hard work and it will make me stronger in life and hopefully a dang good RD one day.

  4. Nicole, you are amazing. I love you for sharing this. Do not, repeat, do not for one second feel that you are hypocritical or imperfect. You offer the blogworld (and I imagine everyone you meet on a daily basis) so much- from advice, to support, to recipes, to empathy. I respect you and I believe that you are passionate about nutrition. I would believe this from reading your blog daily regardless of your weight. You have so much going on in your life and feeling a little burnt out is completely understandable. The fact that you recognize that alone is wonderful. Thanks for being so candid with us. I am a hot mess a lot of the time and I want the world to know that nothing about me is or is trying to be perfect. I like to relate, I like to be able to empathize with people. And sharing my struggles, like you’re sharing yours, is freeing and helpful to so many. You are an inspiration.

  5. Thanks so much for being open about your thoughts and feelings. My biggest insecurity has to do with weight. Even though I lost a lot of weight, I often wonder if people judge me if I don’t eat healthy 100 percent of the time!

  6. I like to see the imperfections in bloggers as I don’t think I would believe them otherwise. Nobody’s perfect so I don’t expect perfection in the bloggers I follow. Must be why I follow imperfect you 🙂

  7. you are perfect how you are don’t feel bad LOL

  8. I think it’s amazing how different we sometimes see ourselves in comparison to what others see. I saw your last blog talking about coming back from a weekend trip and heading straight to the grocery store for your planned meals for the week, not to mention late night hockey. I wonder “how does she do it? she’s got things so together”. Considering I’m one person and haven’t done grocery shopping for about 2 weeks. Then to add to it, you take on a huge new garden this year – I wish I could have my life in that kind of order. This is what I see when I talk with you and read your blog. I never have a thought that you aren’t doing enough or how could you not be posting a nutritional topic this week (!) :). As a fellow blogger, I don’t even know how you make time to post a new topic every day.

    Lately I’ve had my freak outs about moving half way across the world and have been seeing all my imperfections magnified. It helps so much for someone to remind you what they see and put things in perspective.

    We are all your faithful readers for a reason – and we love you “just as you are”. (*oh I love Bridget Jones)

  9. Dear Nicole, thanks so much! As a dietetic intern, sometimes I worry about the title “nutrition expert” that is often used to describe the RD credential. Sometimes I do not feel like the expert-in-training, since there are so many other educated foodies/people out there. Plus, nutrition is such an evolving science, who can really master it? The expectations of the RD credential have also brought worries to my mind, but thank you for your encouragement. It’s good to acknowledge imperfections, to enjoy learning from others in humility, and to just try my best in all things! Have a wonderful Tuesday Nicole. -Rachel

  10. whydeprive

    I find myself more drawn to the blogs of people who arent perfect. It makes them real and relatable. Perfection is boring. It was so great of you to post this. I know it couldnt have been easy.

    Im still insecure about my weight, I mean, yah Ive lost nearly 30 pounds, but Im still not where I want to be, and I still see those 30 pounds now and then when Im getting dressed in the morning. Its HARD.

  11. That’s what draws me to blogs too. I’m obviously not perfect and I know it, so I like to read people’s stories who are like me. If I can’t relate to the person then it’s hard to read their blog. I just started reading your blog (thanks for commenting on mine!) and I love it. I feel like a lot of dietitians that blog are all so perfect with their eating and never struggle or gain weight and it’s hard to read their blogs. I’m glad you are real and you and that’s super cool.

    Oh, and I’m going to email you about something soon!

  12. Oh honey…no way…you are FABULOUS! Just because you have a certain job title doesn’t mean you don’t suffer from the same insecurities as everyone else. For me…I am constantly in a battle with my legs. To me they seem SO HUGE and I know that I run so it is important to have strong powerful legs…and I need to be grateful for all they do for me. I try really hard to remember those things and just accept them for the strong altheltic runners they are! 🙂

  13. Girl, you are AWESOME. I was never the thinnest trainer at my gym, and people would always comment about it. But I knew my shit, just as how I’m sure you know yours. Then of course when I competed and got smaller, people were all over me. It’s not like I ‘gained’ any more knowledge. I am not small now by any means at all – sure I’ve competed but I talk about all the time how that is unmaintainable! Don’t ever feel insecure. You are amazing as you are. I can’t tell you how many days I used to skip workouts because I trained 18 people that day. I already felt like I had worked out 18 times.

  14. Veronica

    I completely understand…even if I don’t relate. I am not a RD yet (1 year left!) and already am feeling “nutritioned out.” Spending the long hours studying, reading, researching and helping others takes a lot out of me. By the time I get home the last thing I want to do is plan MY meals and workouts! But, I do get them done because I feel it’s important to me.

    Also, I think when you are in a “health” profession there is a lot of pressure to maintain that perfect image. I hate that family automatically looks to MY meals to see what THEY should be eating…making me feel like I can’t just enjoy my dinner out without worrying about calories. I’ve never commented before but, I have been a fan of your blog for a few months now. Thanks for the post!

    • Veronica,

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I’m so glad you posted. Congrats on almost being an RD — so exciting!

      I really appreciate hearing from others in the field and students in the field, so please chime in anytime. 🙂


  15. You’re fabulous just the way you are. I don’t know what “imperfections” you see, but I certainly don’t see any. I like people for their personalities, not looks. You can be skinny, but a complete bitch. You could be heavy and complete bitch too. Either way, it’s your personality that makes you who you are.

  16. I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL!!!!! Whenever I meet someone new I always wonder if they are thinking that I am overweight and how can I be a personal trainer ((((SIGH))))). I hate that I always feel that way but I am so happy to know that I am not the only one that is going through this.

    And chickie, I think you are beautiful!

    • You’re a doll, Mari …thank you! I can imagine that trainers go through the exact same thing, and probably even more so! YOU are beautiful! 🙂

  17. I am just going to echo what so many people have already said. I love your blog because you are a REAL person. It’s hard not to compare to all the bloggers who make running marathons look easy, or are raw vegans or whatever. I think just being yourself is the best way to go 🙂 We are all trying to be the best we can be!

  18. Nicole, I can’t tell you enough how much I respect what you’ve said in this post. Why? Because you’re pointing out the fact that healthy living is a JOURNEY, not a destination. I appreciate so much your willingness to be real and vulnerable here on your blog; it’s really inspiring!

    I compare myself to other healthy living bloggers all the time, even when I purposefully try not to. What I try to remind myself is this: if a blogger seems to have 100% perfectly healthy habits, it’s most likely a sign that she’s not telling all (which is fine, that’s her choice).

  19. Nicole, this is great and something I think everyone can relate to on some level. I don’t think there’s a “supposed to be” blog image of you or of anyone…from what I can see through following you, you’re wonderful as is! I always enjoy your recipes, photos, and insights into the dietitian world, a place I sometimes question if that’s where I am meant to be. As for your struggles, this is what makes you real! It’s funny because I think many people of all professions have similar feelings of finding themselves burnt out of their passion once they return home. I used to work at a classy French restaurant, and I once asked the chefs what they’d eat at home. Their answer: Last night I went for a can of straight up tuna and maybe a banana.

  20. I could not agree with you more on this post!!! Thank you for posting it! I also love reading blogs where I can tell the person behind it is real, honest, and open. I want to know the person not a blog. Information is cool and helpful, but if I can’t connect to and relate to the person I am not going to be motivated to read it. I love your blog because it provides it all 🙂

    And if someone expected you to be a different person and judged you for not living up to the “image” they thought PreventionRD was, that is ridiculous and not a genuine person. I know I would love to meet you because of who you are – a beautiful, caring, inspiring woman who I could talk to about REAL life. 🙂

  21. Your honesty is inspiring!! i think it’s hard not to compare ourselves to other bloggers, but each person is different! You are BEAUTIFUL and i know this because I’ve seen your wedding pics 🙂 gorgeous!

  22. Nicole, you are an AMAZING writer – this was one of the best posts I’ve read in such a long time!

    First of all, thank you so much for your honesty. I will admit – I am always FASCINATED by RDs! My friend is one and I just wonder how/if it affects their eating. Though it’s different, I’ve thought about becoming a personal trainer but decided against it. I guess I’m afraid I would become burnt out in the fitness world over time – so I think where you are coming from makes COMPLETE sense. (My RD friend says the same thing, too).

    In the blogging world, it’s only natural for most of us to compare ourselves with one another. For me, since I identified myself as a “runner” for so long and now I am not, I wonder if people think that’s boring or makes me less fit. And then sometimes I wonder that myself. I do always try to tell myself there will always be someone prettier/thinner/richer/funnier/runs more miles/eats less junk than me. And that’s okay! I’d rather be a jack of all trades (or so I tell myself I am). 🙂

    And really I think when people meet you, they will realize what an amazing person you are and your occupation won’t even phase them. And if looks matter to people, I don’t want to be their friend, anyway!

  23. OMG Nicole, thank you, thank you for your honesty. It is nice to know that even those in the profession don’t always live every minute the way they “should”

    Your blog is a joy to read every day and you have fabulous advice and recipes and although it is natural to compare yourself to others, don’t (haha yeah right). But since it is natural and you will, know that you have nothing to fear. There are lots of food bloggers who blog about nutrition that have weight to lose, they too have jobs and lives and they are still (like you) ahead of most people in this country who don’t even try, who see a drive through as a natural answer to what’s for dinner.

    And if you need to take time off I think you would find readers when you came back, in a day a week or a month. I would miss you and your posts but I understand that sometimes we all need a break, don’t let blogging burn you out on a passion, it’s okay to step away for a bit and not feel guilty. I hope to go to BlogHer Food and I’d love to meet you in person, no judgements attached I promise 🙂

  24. oh Nicole thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. i really admire the real people out in blog world too. i want to hear about the good, the bad and the ugly because as you said we are not all perfect-rds included!
    i can see why you would be nutritioned out by the end of the day. i sure am kidded out by the end of mine. how teachers have children is beyond me 🙂
    you will be fine at the next blogger convention i swear……your beauty and charachter will shine through!

  25. Nicole – you are perfect just the way you are. One thing you do so well is express your thoughts and ideas clearly and honestly. You will be surprised when you go to BlogHer that there are all shapes and sizes!

  26. I’m so glad you shared this with us! I definitely fall victim to comparing myself to others. I read so many blogs of women that just seem perfect. Honestly, I’ve stopped reading a few because of it. It makes me feel bad about myself, and that’s not what blogging should be about. I think it should be about sharing your thoughts and ideas and meeting new people who inspire you.
    I appreciate your honesty!
    I wish I could go to BlogHer Food in October to meet you in person!

  27. Imperfections are what make us interesting. And, I’ll admit, sometimes when I’m reading a blog where the blogger seems to have it all together, I feel kind of overwhelmed and guilty. I’m not perfect (ahem, knees) and I think it’s good that my readers know I’m not going to run a marathon (or a mile) and that I might eat a slice of pizza every now and then (but most likely NOW). It’s so much easier for me to relate to someone else who says, “You know what? When I get home from work I’m tired.” Because that’s how I feel 99 percent of the time. I’m not saying I don’t read blogs where the blogger’s online identity is being perfect, but I don’t relate as well. Plus, with your blog I really value the tested/proven information you give. You know what you’re talking about. And that should matter more than whether you’re at your ideal weight.

  28. As a RD, I totally understand. I spend all day talking about nutrition, meal planning for others, and when I get home there is just no more room for it. It is like most people just want to leave their jobs at home, but for RD’s that is practically impossible.

  29. Can I just say that I love you? I wish I were going to Blogher so that we could hang out! TRUST ME, I was intimidated at the thought of going to Fit Bloggin’– my blog is much more food-centered, and I just don’t consider myself an expert (by ANY means) on fitness related material. I was worried that everyone was going to be super fit and really intimidating– and while there were some people with smokin’ bods and rocking biceps, the majority of them looked just like me– pretty normal and average!

    Thank you so much for opening up about your thoughts on this issue…I agree with some of the other posters that your own struggles with this challenge only make you more easy to relate to. Everyone wants to feel like someone else has been in their shoes before.

    Thanks for posting!

  30. Thanks for being so honest. I feel like too many bloggers try to create a facade and we don’t get to see who they really are. So what if you have a few extra pounds to lose? I sure do too! But I still have a lot of fun meeting other bloggers, and talking about fitness, even though I may not “look” the convetional part 😉

  31. Jenn Eats Nutritiously Now

    I completely understand. Sometimes I feel like a fraud even trying to get into the “healthy lifestyle” blogging community, when I obviously haven’t lead a healthy lifestyle in the past and even in the recent past. I still struggle. I haven’t gotten to the point many bloggers have, and that makes me feel less than, but I know I’m really not! Thanks for your honesty!

  32. Nicole, fear not! Nobody wants a skinny polished nutritionist. Seriously, I don’t even trust a skinny perfect nutritionist. I want someone I can relate to. Someone who has her own flaws, and with which I can connect. I want someone who is real, yet absolutely wise and caring and grounded and friendly and personable. That person? It’s YOU. I don’t exactly know how you look like, or your body weight (but who the heck cares?!)…but I already know that you’re a beautiful person. I’ve already got an image of you in my mind, and it has NOTHING to do with appearances.

    I wish I could meet you though! I am going to BlogHer, but not the Food one. 😦

  33. Everyone needs to vent and let it all out, this is the place to do it! It’s so nice to know I am not alone, and therefore you are not either. I think everyone has their struggles of losing weight, gaining weight, eating disorders, etc. and what better place to share your feelings than in your blog, where you have all sorts of support! Way to go girl 🙂

  34. It takes so much courage for you to share this, Nicole. Almost everyone I know (myself included 😉 ) has insecurities, and most of them are about weight, whether it’s wanting to lose or gain. I definitely think you’re more credible because you’ve experienced what so many people go through…and I give you so much credit for sharing this with us!

  35. Nicole, I commend you for speaking out for all people who believe they have imperfections but feel like they need to “hide” them. It is natural to think you have flaws and it’s natural to think people judge you for them. Unfortunately, the reality that we live in is full of comparisons and judgements, criticisms and rejections. The important thing is to make sure they do not get to you. Thank you for showing that you are only human, and that no humans are perfect. I’m becoming a dentist, but I have HORRIBLE teeth. I get cavities all too often, with the first one at the age of 2!!! But you know what? That is WHY i’m doing this. I have a passion to help people and that’s what I focus on. There will be people who judge me for it and don’t come to me, but you know what? Those people are judging me not for what i am or what i’m capable of, but how i LOOK. One day, when you become FAMOUS (and you will Miss Nicole) for being a role model, a spokes person, and a REAL RD, the people who have judged you will shut their mouths and kick themselves for saying things that made themselves sound stupid. But you know what, that really don’t matter at all to you! Because you never took it to heart in the first place. You were too busy focusing on your passion to help others!

    Kudo’s to you Nicole! Fingers crossed that not heartless insensitive person makes a comment that is judgemental or mean. But hey, the delete button is right there. And you already know the true Nicole, so WHATEVER to them. 🙂 Remember us, all the people who support you and love you for who you are and what you represent!!

  36. NICOLE! Please don’t EVER feel as if your are ‘imperfect’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘not enough’. You are such a wonderful person. I think it’s safe to say we all know this from reading your blog and reading your lovely comments that you leave on our blogs. I praise and admire you for writing this post and bringing to light your feelings. But you have nothing to worry about. Nobody is perfect. And the people that seem perfect – just a facade. I have found that when I admit my imperfections/flaws/slip-ups on my blog, people seem to praise me and are glad that they are not alone in making those same mistakes. We are all human and we all have to live and learn in this lifetime. There would be no point to life if we were all the same and never made mistakes. How would we grow? I know I would much rather have you as my RD knowing that you are human and someone that’s not going to laugh or reprimand me when I’m not-so-perfect. Plus, the people that look ‘perfect’ – they’re BORING!

    Keep on doing what you’re doing. As you can already tell, we love your blog and we love you!

  37. Thank you so much for sharing – that was a great post. I think we all have “imperfections” that make us human. We all have things we are working on and adjusting too – it gives us something to write about and reflect upon. If we give up on improving ourselves, how boring our lives would be.

    I love reading your blog and learning about things – I have learned so much.

    Keep up what you are doing!

  38. Great post Nicole. I can totally relate to being “nutritioned-out” as a fellow RD! For the most part, I practice what I preach but it is unrealistic for anyone to be “perfect”! I think occasional splurges are fabulous and necessary.

  39. Oh, Nicole!! I can totally relate to all of this!! I workout almost everyday, eat so healthy, blah blah blah and I still have 20-30 unwanted pounds too! BUT, we both deserve to be in this healthy community. We both have so much to offer and we will get where we want to be, but we must love and accept ourselves first. I know it’s hard not to compare, but you must realize that you and your blog are so fabulous!! No one is perfect and certainly nobody expects you to be perfect either. Have a good night!! 🙂

  40. I feel insecure about my running speed. I’ve been running for like 5 years, yet I can’t run any faster than basically a 10 minute mile.

  41. I most def. do not consider myself to be one of those uber healthy bloggers all the time.. nor do i try to come off that way! I really hope I do not anyway. In all honesty I just love blogging to get new ideas and meet others and all that stuff!

  42. Thank you for this post Nicole!!! Like so many others have said already, there’s nothing wrong with anything you said. In fact, it makes you more real, easier to relate to, and an even better RD because you deal with the same issues as everyone else. It’s no fun to hear about someone who is “perfect.” And if they think they’re perfect, there’s something they’re not telling you.

    I keep thinking about becoming an RD and trainer, and I have you to thank for making me first consider this path. I’ve always loved sports, and have (fairly) recently developed a love for nutrition as well. I absolutely love reading your blog. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  43. Wow! First of all, thank you for such an honest post! And I agree with everyone, you are perfect the way you are because you are YOU. And second, I skimmed through the comments, and they are awesome. You have amazing readers! 🙂

    I write my blog to focus on the positive aspects in my life (as a reminder for myself), and I sometimes worry that people will get the impression that my life is easy or that I live in “Lala Land”…

    Oh, and I look forward to meeting up when you are at BlogHer! 🙂

  44. Great post Nicole. I get nutritioned-out so often. I have to say, I have the opposite problem as you (not to sound annoying, I’m NOT trying to brag, AT ALL). I am naturally tiny. My bones are frail and thin, and I was always called the Simalian girl as a kid (fun….). I often feel insecure when I introduce myself as an RD because I know people think I am too young, and they often look at me and think “are you a healthy weight?” I know they do this, because sometimes they have the guts to actually ask me, and ask me if I eat. It’s embarrassing. Then they tell me I should go eat a burger. HA! Thanks for the advice. Truth is, after being at the ADA conference this past year, RDs come in every shape and size and personality. YOU will fit right in, you have NOTHING to worry about. Trust me. You do your job well, you relate to others well, and you are a fantastic listener and educator. That’s what really matters. I saw numerous RDs who were at least 100 pounds over weight. Now that’s a little strange. I mean 100 pounds? Yikes. They’ve lost control, clearly. But everyone has their struggles, even RDs.

  45. This is a great post, thank you so much for sharing! I honestly don’t know what else to add to the other comments though ;). We all have insecurities and far from perfect. It would be silly to assume that an RD (or teacher, or doctor or whoever..) has no flaws at all. You are great the way you are!

    I’m generally a happy person but I have tons of insecurities as well. they’re not too horrible but need some work on nevertheless. 🙂

  46. Good for you for letting it all out! I definitely find it hard not to compare my blog to others. Lately I am really wondering what I’m doing wrong, because I see others getting so much more traffic. I started out writing a recipe blog, and reading recipe blogs, but now I am reading a lot more blogs such as yours – those filled with relevant health and fitness information (and a few “here’s what I ate today” blogs – but I can’t take blogs that do ONLY that!) I’m wondering if I would have more of a “following” if I wrote more about my daily life and struggles, letting people get to know me better, but then again, I feel like what I do best is recipes and I should keep my blog focused on that, know what I mean? I don’t want to be “all over the place”. It’s very frustrating!

    And ps, I totally understand where you’re coming from regarding being all “nutritioned out” from your job. I have thought many times about what I should really do with my life, and the thought of being a caterer or personal chef – probably with a focus on healthy food and fitness too – has crossed my mind many times. But part of me is fearful that I wouldn’t enjoy my hobby so much if it became my work. Lots to think about.

  47. I love you & I love your honesty! I can’t wait to meet you at Blogher in October. If we can’t see beyond each others “stuff” than what kind of people would we be? What I have learned the past few years and throughout my life: “You never know where someone else has been until you take a walk in their shoes.”
    Some of the people I thought were most together, beautiful etc…are falling apart on the inside.
    To “hide” from our stuff is more difficult. Embrace your inner and outer beauty girl. You are one of my blog friends that I am most excited to meet in October. No judgements from me ever…just try not to judge me 🙂
    btw: It is such a full time job to stay really lean. nothing comes easy, we all battle the food demons from time to time. We can discuss that in person. Did u pick a hotel??

  48. Wow. Thank you for your honesty! I love real, raw posts. 😀

    I think this is something so many struggle with. After a TON of stress, family deaths, more stress, and being a writer/blogger (aka a lot sedentary) I’ve put on a few pounds, too. I’ve lost over 100 (and have still kept off over 100) but it’s those few pounds that make me feel “fluffy” that are driving me bonkers.

    So, yes, I can totally relate!!!

    I don’t think it makes you – or me – deceitful; it makes us human. 😉

    Thanks for sharing – and big hugs to you!!!!!

  49. I am SO touched and inspired by your powerful post… thank you SO much for sharing your thoughts, feelings, and emotions with us! You are truly an inspiration – I admire your strength and can definitely relate to your struggles! I too am comforted and uplifted from other bloggers stories, challanges, and triumphs… and I’m so grateful for the blog-land’s support during this struggle with my mystery injury – yay for blogs and bloggers all lifting eachother up!

    Btw, girl, you are GORGEOUS!!!

  50. When I worked at Starbucks, I was on my feet 35 hours a week, often lifting heavy objects (boxes, coffee urns, carrying 4 gallons of milk at once) and running around like a crazy woman. When I started working as a diet tech, I realized how sedentary my life could become! I started wearing a pedometer to the hospital which encouraged me to walk more at work (to the printers, to the kitchen, to the wards). I found it very helpful! Never forget: you are beautiful! 🙂

  51. This was an amazing post. I feel the same way you do about blogs, I want to read about other imperfect people like me. Lately I have been feeling really bad about sitting and watching so much TV at night now that the weather is nice. But the fact is, after 10+ hours of law school work, I am completely exhausted. I want to sit down and watch mind-numbing television. Thank you for your honesty. I feel that sometimes the blog world makes us try to be on top of our game at all times, and everyone can do no more than be human.

  52. Girl you are Real, beautiful, sweet, and smart!!!

    Dont ever compare yourself to others, it wil drive you mad!!!!!!! You are unique and we all are!!!!! Love you!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo

  53. Shelley (findinghappinessandhealth)

    wow Nicole, I am so proud of you for posting thiS!!! i always haeve this twisted idea that Rds are “so perfect” & why cant’ i be “as perfect as they are” with eating when in reality, eVERYONE struggles. It is amazing that you had the courage to admit this, as I know many others would be afraid to. Who cares if you aren’t what people might expect?! You are sTILL beautiful & you are REAL. I really admire you 🙂


  54. Pingback: Imperfections «

  55. Pingback: Health for the Whole Self » Monday Confessions!

  56. Amazing post! I think it is great that you are coming out and saying this because the truth is, no one is perfect and it is so hard feeling like we have to compete with people who seemingly are. You are rockin awesome no matter what you weigh or how much you sit during the day. Your truth and honesty, imperfections and all is what makes you fabulous.

  57. Pingback: My Intuitive Eating Imperfections

  58. This is such a good post! You should be happy with yourself as long as you are healthy – and I think you already know that. Keep doing what you do girl!

  59. It’s the imperfections that make us human. How frustrating would it be to hang out with someone who was perfect! This is all about being human, learning, balancing, figuring out what works for each person. It’s awesome to see variation.
    You’re wonderful, we know that as your readers, and people at the conference will be excited to meet you in person.
    On my end, blogs that include the imperfections are more real and more inspiring. Hugs, and remember that you’re awesome cause you’re living the life that works for you!

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